Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Arlene Malinowski’s show is A+, but is her Report Card?

Posted in Uncategorized, upcoming shows on February 10, 2009 by fresh squeezed

Just after Valentine’s Day, on February 15th and 16th, Arlene Malinowski will be presenting her one woman show, What Does the Sun Sound like?, the happy new edition to Fresh Squeezed! WDTSSL is Arlene’s personal account of growing up as the hearing daughter to two deaf parents.




Pictured here is Arlene’s Kindergarten report card. She passed with flying colors when it came to waiting her turn, knowing her clothes, and being polite. She knew her left hand from her right, and she knew her birthday.But unlike many of her peers, Arlene did not know her telephone number. This is because her parents did not communicate via telephone, so Arlene did not have a number to know!


no checks here

no checks here





Pretty interesting, right?Arlene is a super-fun lady with a whole lot of story-telling in her, so come share the love after Valentines Day and see What Does the Sun Sound like?

Purchase tickets online at and have a great time!


Insert [banjo music from Deliverance] here

Posted in Uncategorized on December 4, 2008 by fresh squeezed


Super Intern Ali, here.  Just wanted to let you all know about the fun you’ve been missing at Victory Gardens while you’ve been busy with your kids, Christmas shopping, drug addiction, what-have-you.

Last night we were lucky enough to have a bunch of stellar musicians from the Old Town School of Folk Music come to our Lincoln Park Neighbors Night to teach us all a thing or two about the instruments featured in The Snow Queen.  For those unfamiliar with what Lincoln Park Neighbors Night is, it’s a swingin’ party we hold on the first Wednesday of each mainstage show.  Local businesses come and offer their unique expertise during our pre-show activities.

The Snoq Queen unleashes the fury

So last night we learned how to play the guitar, strum the banjo, and run horse hair over the strings of a violin.   Shannon, Pilar, Sam and I learned how to play the Chuck Berry song from Pulp Fiction.  Then we learned how to play the banjo.  Here’s a little video from our jam session.

Fiesta Mexicana provided the food.  So with our bellies full, and our fingers freshly calloused, we enjoyed The Snow Queen.  Rock on.

Check out The Old Town School’s website for info on classes, concerts, and other things to keep your toes a tappin’.

musical theater for people who don’t like musical theater

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on November 3, 2008 by fresh squeezed

this is not entirely true.  this is an eye-catching title created by SuperIntern Megan who generally does not like musical theater but is wickedly excited about Cabaret! Cabaret! because Cabaret! Cabaret! is for everyone.  even cynical ol’ SuperIntern Megan.

but SuperIntern Megan is a hypocrite because she’s been in about four musicals, and one time she even went to Musical Theater Monday at Sidetrack.  she does not recommend the frozen cherry cocktail.

Annoyance Productions.
American Theater Company.
A Red Orchid Theatre.
Bare Boned Theatre.
Bohemian Theatre Ensemble.
Theatre Building Chicago.
The Neo-Futurists.
Michael Descoteaux.
Joe Kinosian.
Jordan Mann.
Jeff Thomson.


this is gonna be sick. SuperIntern Megan can’t even wait until Friday. she’s going down to the Biograph right now to watch the tech. while’s she’s sneaking a peak, you can entertain yourself with this special offer:

GET $5 OFF YOUR CABARET! CABARET! TIX WITH CODE “VICTORY!” call the box office at 773.871.3000 or visit our box office website to reserve seats.

and now it’s time for…

did you know that Yeast Nation, the show from American Theater Company is the latest musical from Tony-award winning Urinetown: The Musical writers Greg Kotis & Mark Hollmann? Did you know that Greg Kotis used to be a Neo-Futurist, one of the companies participating in Cabaret! Cabaret! with an excerpt from their latest prime-time show BEER? did you know that SuperIntern Megan is a Neo-Futurist? did you know that the day after tomorrow is in the neo-future?! did you know that IN THAT neo-future we will have a NEW president????!?!?!?  HOLY CRAAAAAAAAAAP!!!

Happy Halloween! I can see Sarah Palin costumes from my house!

Posted in Uncategorized on October 31, 2008 by fresh squeezed

If you haven’t stepped outside yet today, do so.  It’s Niiiice.  And if you haven’t made your plans for tonight yet, you should visit the Haunted Sanitarium at the Theater on the Lake.  Feel free to harass the crazy clown lady…



No, not this crazy clown lady.  Although she is frightening….

VGT’s own Megan Mercier, of “slutty trucker clown” fame, is showing off her goulish talents at the haunted house.  So get the gang together, throw back some libations, and hit up the Haunted Sanitarium.   It’s $10 and runs til Saturday.

Jad and Robert we are!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on October 29, 2008 by fresh squeezed

So here is the deal.  RadioLab is now gone and we are all very sad.  But for those who just don’t want it to be done, here is your chance to win some awesome stuff!  Below are three photos taken from the RadioLab’s time in Chicago.  We are awarding prizes to the funniest caption.  Look the photos over, get your noggin going, and tickle our collective funny bone.

What will you win?  How about:

  • a RadioLab: Martian Invasion Poster signed by Jad & Robert and…
  • a “Best of RadioLab” CD!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Leave a comment with the photo reference number and your caption (The Alien Picture is #1, Robert is #2 and Ellen/Jab is #3, just like the order of the pictures indicate!  Fancy that.)
  2. Check back on Nov. 7 to see if you won
  3. If you won, send your contact information from the email provided at that time
  4. Bask in your supreme RadioLabness

Posted in Uncategorized on October 24, 2008 by fresh squeezed

Cabaret! Cabaret! is on its way

Posted in Uncategorized on October 23, 2008 by fresh squeezed

While RadioLab is steadily approaching (and yes, we’re still super jazzed…) it’s not too early to start getting excited for our next Fresh Squeezed event, Cabaret! Cabaret! This exclusive sneak peak into what will be playing on Chicago stages next season is November 7th and 8th at the Biograph. Mark your calendars. Or whip out your iphones. However you crazy kids remember things nowadays.

oo la la

oo la la

Radio Lab tops Chicago Tribune!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on October 22, 2008 by fresh squeezed

It’s not only us who are super jazzed for our impending Fresh Squeezed event, RadioLab! Check out the Chicago Tribune’s article about our upcoming show at the VGT Biograph! It’s sure to be an eclectic romp through radio land! Since there’s a possibility you may have missed Orson Well’s first broadcast of War of the Worlds, here’s your chance to relive the fun and, of course, ensuing chaos and panic…GOOD TIMES!

Check out the Article HERE!

Jab Abumrad takes over NYC

Jab Abumrad takes over NYC

Tickets to this very special event are going fast! Don’t miss the Martian Invasion! Trust me…BUY TICKETS HERE!

WNYC’s RadioLab: Martian Invasion runs for two nights only, October 26 and 27 at 7:30pm at the Victory Gardens Biograph Theater, 2433 N. Lincoln Avenue. Regular price tickets are $30. Fresh Squeezed members pay $25. Tickets are available by calling the Box Office at (773) 847-3000 or at

eurydice we told you so!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on October 20, 2008 by fresh squeezed

Eurydice just wrapped it’s first week and is taking Chicago by storm.  Thanks to everyone who came so far, and to those who haven’t had the chance yet, allow the glowing reviews to entice you—

Hedy Weiss, Chicago Sun-Times


“wholly captivating, subtly madcap, heart-piercingly lovely…Co-directed by Sandy Shinner and Jessica Thebus in a way that feels magically at one with Ruhl’s sensibility…Daniel Ostling’s minimalist set is its own kind of poetry, as is Andre Pluess’ ideal sound design…Eurydice begins with the two young lovers — the sensitive, playfully prickly Orpheus (Jamie Abelson, whose golden boyishness is matched by an intriguing elusiveness), and Eurydice (Lee Stark, just a year out of Northwestern, supremely skilled, and with the charm of a young Jean Seberg).”

Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune

“If you’ve not seen Eurydice, I wouldn’t miss the chance…The new production at Victory Gardens convinced me of this play’s honest beauty…3 stars…Obeys its own quirky rules, keeps its metaphors manageable and effects a very delightful simplicity…A beguiling little play…Very powerful…The most emotionally reachable performance comes from the terrific Joe D. Lauck, who plays Eurydice’s father and whose love for his daughter seems to flow out into the theater in great waves…Lee Stark is very appealing in the title role – and has a quirky, Ruhl-like quality”

Venus Zarris,

A lovely dreamlike theatrical treat filled with beguiling imagery…There is great beauty and wonder, both physical and emotional, created by this production…Joe D. Lauck’s portrayal of the Father unlocks the emotional Pandora’s Box of this script. He finds an honesty and tenderness that is simultaneously heartbreaking, charming and lovely. His performance reaches into the depth of Ruhl’s writing and extracts the deceptive epiphany.”

Dan Zeff,


“A magical staging…works both as glowing drama and as imaginative theater…loaded with droll and comic pleasures…an exceptional visual production…Beau O’Reilly nearly steals all his scenes as the flamboyant and slightly sinister Nasty Interesting Man and the Lord of the Underworld. The three Stones are well played by three old pros of the Chicago theater, William J. Norris, Cheryl Lynn Bruce, and Caitlin Hart…It is impossible to overpraise the contributions by the design team (who) collectively put together a physical production that is enchanting to see and hear.”

Tom Williams,

“I have not seen a more engrossing and lovely mounting of a classic Greek myth on stage…a lovely show filled with heart”

Eurydice runs through November 9th at the Victory Gardens Biograph Theater, 2433 N. Lincoln Avenue.  Click here to purchase tickets or call the box office at 773.871.3000