Archive for the upcoming shows Category

A Breath of Fresh Ayers at the Biograph

Posted in upcoming shows on March 10, 2009 by fresh squeezed

Bill Ayers
Prof. William Ayers, the Distinguished Professor of Education and Senior University Scholar at UIC will be on hand at VG not once, but twice to talk about issues related to Jeffrey Sweet’s new play Class Dismissed. With ideas of idealism, activism and the value of education swirling around CD, the activist and education theorist will undoubtedly have much to say.

The convos go down at 6pm on March 26th and April 2nd, with Class Dismissed starting at 7:30. Click here to buy tickets.

Arlene Malinowski’s show is A+, but is her Report Card?

Posted in Uncategorized, upcoming shows on February 10, 2009 by fresh squeezed

Just after Valentine’s Day, on February 15th and 16th, Arlene Malinowski will be presenting her one woman show, What Does the Sun Sound like?, the happy new edition to Fresh Squeezed! WDTSSL is Arlene’s personal account of growing up as the hearing daughter to two deaf parents.




Pictured here is Arlene’s Kindergarten report card. She passed with flying colors when it came to waiting her turn, knowing her clothes, and being polite. She knew her left hand from her right, and she knew her birthday.But unlike many of her peers, Arlene did not know her telephone number. This is because her parents did not communicate via telephone, so Arlene did not have a number to know!


no checks here

no checks here





Pretty interesting, right?Arlene is a super-fun lady with a whole lot of story-telling in her, so come share the love after Valentines Day and see What Does the Sun Sound like?

Purchase tickets online at and have a great time!


feelin’ fine in 2009

Posted in upcoming shows on January 5, 2009 by fresh squeezed

New year. New president. New plays. Can i get a “hell yeah!”?

The end of 2008 was pretty sweet—a big giant high five/hug/plain ol’ thank you (whichever you’re most comfortable with) to everyone who came out to support The Snow Queen and Drinking & Writing. The final Drinking & Writing show was completely sold out to standing room only!! (and the beer was pretty good, too)

We don’t like to lay low for long at Victory Gardens, though. We’re kind of sick of eating our way through the winter and ready to move on to something new. Next on the VGT docket?

Living Green
a world premiere by Gloria Bond Clunie
directed by Andi Dymond

This is a fresh new work set around the time of the Million Man March and follows the trials and triumphs of an affluent Black family living in the North Shore suburb of Chicago. As their children Carol and Dempsey come of age, Angela  and Frank Freedman question whether they’ve done the right thing by choosing to bring them up in a privileged, predominantly white environment. Should they sell the home they’ve grown to love and relocate to a new fixer-upper in the far less glamorous Humboldt Park so they comfortably afford the cost of college? What motivates their hesitation to plunge back into the diversity they faught so adamantly for in their activist youth?

In the wake this recent Chicago Tribune article, the past year’s cuts in public transportation to areas of the city that are home to mostly minorities,  and the impending inauguration of our nation’s first Black president, this is a important new show with a powerhouse cast and tender familial moments that will resonate with anyone who’s ever been a member of a family (that’s you! and you! even you!).

Living Green begins previews on Friday, January 23rd, 2009 at the Victory Gardens Biograph Theater.

You can check out the process before hand by attending our totally free open rehearsal on Thursday, January 15th at 6pm. Watch the actors and directors fine tune the show followed by a talkback and reception catered by Zig Zag Cafe. We’d love to have you, but keep in mind that space is limited. So if you’d like to come, please give us a little ring-a-ding or shoot us an email to say, “Hey! This looks cool! I want to come!” Direct these RSVPs to the great and wonderful Will Rogers at 773.549.5788 x2167 or


Snow Queens’ gone and it’s the new year already

Posted in current shows, upcoming shows on December 29, 2008 by fresh squeezed

So The Snow Queen closed its doors on Sunday with its final performance to a sold-out house!  The show was a wonderful success and we thank everyone who came out to see it and support live theater.  For those of you who didn’t come see the show, what’s your deal?  huh?  You are officially uninvited to my birthday party. 

I’ve had those bloody Snow Queen songs stuck in my head for weeks.  Not that I’m complaining.  They’re just so damn catchy.  Have a listen at your own risk. 

When my brain stops playing The Snow Queen soundtrack on repeat and I recover from the tumult that is the holidays, I can’t wait to tell you guys about Living Green.  It starts up January 23rd.  I truly can’t wait.  But for now, I will just have to settle for living dirty.

i am thankful for drinking & writing IV: the 12 steps of xmas

Posted in upcoming shows with tags on November 26, 2008 by fresh squeezed

we are thinking about Thanksgiving and how we are thankful for so many things this time of year, things like Coffeemate Peppermint Mocha creamer and Black Wednesday and cheaper gas. all of these things are so great. i didn’t even know what Black Wednesday was until today, but i am thankful for it because Thanksgiving makes me thankful for everything from lollipops to parking tickets.

but if i had to pick one thing that i am most thankful for, i would have to say Drinking & Writing IV: The 12 Steps of XMas. I mean, come on. who doesn’t like drinking? and writing? and don’t we ALL take the world in steps? so as you pick at that leftover turkey and green beans on Friday wondering what in the hell do do with your night, come to the Victory Gardens Biograph Theater and be thankful with us. Steve and Phil will make you laugh while we all share a Rock Bottom beer or two or three. There will even be pizza, and i promise that it won’t have any turkey or green beans on it.

mention the secret word BEER when you buy your ticket and get $5 off. then, take THAT $5 and add it to another $5, because for $10 you can take home your very own Victory Gardens pilsner glass that will be refilled with free brew all night!

mark it down. this friday, november 28th. 10:30pm. Biograph Theater Lobby.

bring your friends.

be there or be square.


’tis the season for drinking & writing & turnin’ turkey tricks

Posted in upcoming shows with tags on November 13, 2008 by fresh squeezed

vgtdrinkwrite08_4_72dpithat’s right. you heard me. it’s time to get freaky with that cornucopia and tip your three-cornered hat to the almighty tap.

i’m sorry, was that too much?

it’s just that we’re still so fever geeked after spending the weekend with Cabaret! Cabaret! Even if you missed the show, be sure to catch the respective shows as they open and run throughout the year.  thank you to everyone who came, saw, and conquered.  here’s hoping you had as much fun as we did.

so who’s ready for the holidays? <universal grumble>

so who’s ready for Drinking & Writing?!?! <universal cries of jubilation>

that’s right ladies & gents*.  Steve Mosqueda is back in the house, this time with friend Phil Ridarelli, and hyped to bring you another round of the hit show Drinking & Writing IV: The 12 Steps of XMas. This show is unlike our other shows and probably most shows. Why? Because it is staged at a bar. Our bar at the Victory Gardens Biograph Theater.  You have four chances between November 28th and December 19th to watch hilarity ensue.  Fridays at 10:30pm.

get your tickets now. like right now. we’re talking stop, drop, & roll style folks.

did we mention that today is thirsty thursday?


*but not children of all ages.  no, we don’t think you should bring your children to this show. we think you should put them to bed and call a babysitter. or the grandparents.

may we please be exsqueezed?

Posted in upcoming shows with tags , , on October 13, 2008 by fresh squeezed

first things first.


We can’t tell you who the new president’s going to be, but we can tell you that this new squeeze is fresher than fresh, hotter than hot, and funkier than funk.  Ladies & gentlemen, we bring you Fresh Squeezed.  Brought to you by Victory Gardens Theater, Fresh Squeezed is a new series of late-night, offbeat performances and events highlighting fresh talent from Chicago and around the country.

Basically, it’s off-the-hook.

Join us on Sunday, October 26th & Monday, October 27th at 7:30pm for our first event, WNYC’s RadioLab: Martian Invasion.  The breakout public radio hit will explore the phenomenon that is War of the Worlds.  Hosts Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich examine the amazing and disturbing effects it has had on radio listeners not once, not twice, but three times.  Just in time for Halloween, RadioLab lands for a rare, and always sold out, live event.

To view our season line-up and order your tickets to Fresh Squeezed events, visit our website or contact the Victory Gardens Biograph Theater box office at 773.871.3000

In the meantime, join us as we celebrate the opening the 2008-2009 Victory Gardens Biograph Theater season with Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl, running now through November 9th.