Archive for cabaret! cabaret!

musical theater for people who don’t like musical theater

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on November 3, 2008 by fresh squeezed

this is not entirely true.  this is an eye-catching title created by SuperIntern Megan who generally does not like musical theater but is wickedly excited about Cabaret! Cabaret! because Cabaret! Cabaret! is for everyone.  even cynical ol’ SuperIntern Megan.

but SuperIntern Megan is a hypocrite because she’s been in about four musicals, and one time she even went to Musical Theater Monday at Sidetrack.  she does not recommend the frozen cherry cocktail.

Annoyance Productions.
American Theater Company.
A Red Orchid Theatre.
Bare Boned Theatre.
Bohemian Theatre Ensemble.
Theatre Building Chicago.
The Neo-Futurists.
Michael Descoteaux.
Joe Kinosian.
Jordan Mann.
Jeff Thomson.


this is gonna be sick. SuperIntern Megan can’t even wait until Friday. she’s going down to the Biograph right now to watch the tech. while’s she’s sneaking a peak, you can entertain yourself with this special offer:

GET $5 OFF YOUR CABARET! CABARET! TIX WITH CODE “VICTORY!” call the box office at 773.871.3000 or visit our box office website to reserve seats.

and now it’s time for…

did you know that Yeast Nation, the show from American Theater Company is the latest musical from Tony-award winning Urinetown: The Musical writers Greg Kotis & Mark Hollmann? Did you know that Greg Kotis used to be a Neo-Futurist, one of the companies participating in Cabaret! Cabaret! with an excerpt from their latest prime-time show BEER? did you know that SuperIntern Megan is a Neo-Futurist? did you know that the day after tomorrow is in the neo-future?! did you know that IN THAT neo-future we will have a NEW president????!?!?!?  HOLY CRAAAAAAAAAAP!!!