Archive for reviews

eurydice we told you so!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on October 20, 2008 by fresh squeezed

Eurydice just wrapped it’s first week and is taking Chicago by storm.  Thanks to everyone who came so far, and to those who haven’t had the chance yet, allow the glowing reviews to entice you—

Hedy Weiss, Chicago Sun-Times


“wholly captivating, subtly madcap, heart-piercingly lovely…Co-directed by Sandy Shinner and Jessica Thebus in a way that feels magically at one with Ruhl’s sensibility…Daniel Ostling’s minimalist set is its own kind of poetry, as is Andre Pluess’ ideal sound design…Eurydice begins with the two young lovers — the sensitive, playfully prickly Orpheus (Jamie Abelson, whose golden boyishness is matched by an intriguing elusiveness), and Eurydice (Lee Stark, just a year out of Northwestern, supremely skilled, and with the charm of a young Jean Seberg).”

Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune

“If you’ve not seen Eurydice, I wouldn’t miss the chance…The new production at Victory Gardens convinced me of this play’s honest beauty…3 stars…Obeys its own quirky rules, keeps its metaphors manageable and effects a very delightful simplicity…A beguiling little play…Very powerful…The most emotionally reachable performance comes from the terrific Joe D. Lauck, who plays Eurydice’s father and whose love for his daughter seems to flow out into the theater in great waves…Lee Stark is very appealing in the title role – and has a quirky, Ruhl-like quality”

Venus Zarris,

A lovely dreamlike theatrical treat filled with beguiling imagery…There is great beauty and wonder, both physical and emotional, created by this production…Joe D. Lauck’s portrayal of the Father unlocks the emotional Pandora’s Box of this script. He finds an honesty and tenderness that is simultaneously heartbreaking, charming and lovely. His performance reaches into the depth of Ruhl’s writing and extracts the deceptive epiphany.”

Dan Zeff,


“A magical staging…works both as glowing drama and as imaginative theater…loaded with droll and comic pleasures…an exceptional visual production…Beau O’Reilly nearly steals all his scenes as the flamboyant and slightly sinister Nasty Interesting Man and the Lord of the Underworld. The three Stones are well played by three old pros of the Chicago theater, William J. Norris, Cheryl Lynn Bruce, and Caitlin Hart…It is impossible to overpraise the contributions by the design team (who) collectively put together a physical production that is enchanting to see and hear.”

Tom Williams,

“I have not seen a more engrossing and lovely mounting of a classic Greek myth on stage…a lovely show filled with heart”

Eurydice runs through November 9th at the Victory Gardens Biograph Theater, 2433 N. Lincoln Avenue.  Click here to purchase tickets or call the box office at 773.871.3000