Archive for Robert Krulwich

Jad and Robert we are!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on October 29, 2008 by fresh squeezed

So here is the deal.  RadioLab is now gone and we are all very sad.  But for those who just don’t want it to be done, here is your chance to win some awesome stuff!  Below are three photos taken from the RadioLab’s time in Chicago.  We are awarding prizes to the funniest caption.  Look the photos over, get your noggin going, and tickle our collective funny bone.

What will you win?  How about:

  • a RadioLab: Martian Invasion Poster signed by Jad & Robert and…
  • a “Best of RadioLab” CD!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Leave a comment with the photo reference number and your caption (The Alien Picture is #1, Robert is #2 and Ellen/Jab is #3, just like the order of the pictures indicate!  Fancy that.)
  2. Check back on Nov. 7 to see if you won
  3. If you won, send your contact information from the email provided at that time
  4. Bask in your supreme RadioLabness